Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Lightning Round - 030210

So much to say, so little time.
  • Phil Jones, the majordomo at the East Anglia CRU and the man who coined the phrase "hide the decline," starts answering questions. It doesn't go well.
  • Much was made of the results of the President's physical, but one little thing caught Instapundit's attention: the president received a "virtual colonoscopy," which is far less invasive than a typical colonoscopy. A question arises: would this high-tech procedure be covered under Medicare? The answer, apparently, is no, according to a radiologist who is quoted at the link, because the procedure is considered "experimental." Which leads Prof. Reynolds to ask this question:
  • So if Michael Kinsley’s definition of rationing holds — when the President can get a treatment that ordinary Americans can’t — then we’re already there. Quoth Kinsley: “Here is a handy-dandy way to determine whether the failure to order some exam or treatment constitutes rationing: If the patient were the president, would he get it? If he’d get it and you wouldn’t, it’s rationing.” So what’s the likelihood that Obamacare would narrow the gap between you and the President, as compared to the current government system of Medicare?

  • Seems like a pretty good question, doncha think?


    Bike Bubba said...

    OK, bad joke here; the President got the virtual colonoscopy because if he'd had to take a dose of GoLitely, there would be nothing left....

    Mr. D said...

    The pitch to Bubba -- it's a drive, way back, to the fence -- Hey! Touch 'em all, Bubba! He got a hanging curve ball and he sent it deep into the night!

    Night Writer said...

    Did someone say my name?

    "You know, there are some parks where that ball wouldn't have gone out."

    "Name one."

    "Oh, Yellowstone..."

    Anonymous said...

    "...and that one's off the reservation. The outfielder will need a passport to catch up with that one."

    Maybe even a birth certificate. ;)

    K-Rod said...


    Bike Bubba said...

    I can guess who's turned 50 here.....