Friday, October 08, 2010

il miglior fabbro

Doctor Zero on the 10:10 video:

Was this film an expression of radical environmentalism’s murderous id, as James Delingpole of the Telegraph suggests? It certainly has an aura of savage, juvenile wish fulfillment. I prefer to view it as a graphic illustration of the Left’s hollow inability to deal with dissent. The film is designed to enforce groupthink by portraying dissenters as contemptible jokes. They’re organic garbage, easily disposed of with the push of a red button. The kids who get blown up are apathetic, a few seconds away from falling asleep during their teacher’s important lecture about reasonable steps good people can take to reduce their carbon emissions. The office workers in the second skit are pathetic losers with sunken eyes. The soccer coach in the third skit is a self-absorbed jerk. In a perfect world, the elite would be able to sweep these useless people aside. They’re so disgusting they should be squashed like bugs.

To the global-warming fanatic, doubters have already thrown their lives away. If they insist on their lavish capitalist lifestyles, and thwart the efforts of all-knowing environmentalists, they’ll drown in the rising seas, or get flash-fried when the ozone layer peels back. There is no need to engage the arguments of such traitors to the biosphere, or respect their “freedom.” Note the recurring “joke,” repeated mindlessly throughout the video, in which the victims are assured they have complete freedom to make up their own minds, and should feel “no pressure.” This is the idea our filmmakers find so absurd they dismiss it with a geyser of adolescent blood. The point is made repeatedly: you’re a contemptible idiot if you think you have free choice in the matter of global warming. You will indeed feel pressure, from the boiling atmosphere. Virtue can only be found in submission to the Green agenda – the sole alternative is glassy-eyed, apathetic evil. Climate-change deniers are consuming air that noble environmentalists could put to better use.

People can be damned inconvenient that way. The key is to keep individuals who think this way from having dominion over your life. And as always, read the whole thing.

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