Sunday, March 17, 2013

1000 Words

The headline is perfect:

Obama flies a 747 to Chicago to tout his fuel-saving plan
But the picture (and caption) are even better:

Sometimes I think the guy is impervious to irony.


CousinDan 54915 said...

I really dislike this guy. Can't figure out exactly why, but if you want to understand you might want to read Chapter 5 of Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller. This was written in Obama's first year as President, but I suspect that it would require a rewrite now. In case you haven't read the book, it's about idolatry.

Brad said...


Reminds me of this excerpt from the NY Times in Feb. 2007:

Goldman Sachs has been one of the most aggressive firms on Wall Street about taking action on climate change; the company sends its bankers home at night in hybrid limousines.

Bike Bubba said...

Brad, please tell me you're kidding me......I've seen the specs for hybrid luxury cars, and you'd get better mileage in a (*&)&)&!! Suburban. They're as bad as taking the city bus home!

But thankfully nowhere near as bad as our "ecologist in chief."