Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spitballing Part Two -- History Lesson

Another manufactured symbol of solidarity, from my youth:

That didn't work so well. Ten years later, I saw some of these:

You'd be surprised how many people who wore shirts like that in the 80s now are sporting the red equal sign on their Facebook pages. Or maybe you wouldn't be.


CousinDan 54915 said...

I thought it was two pieces of gum. Oops.

Anonymous said...

WIN - Whip Inflation Now, was a brainchild of Dick Cheney during the 1976 Carter/Ford Campaign.

I have no idea what "Frankie says relax" means, in the 80's or npresently. Or what it has to do with Marriage Equality.

Call me clueless.

Mr. D said...

WIN - Whip Inflation Now, was a brainchild of Dick Cheney during the 1976 Carter/Ford Campaign.

Nope. It was the Ford administration, but Cheney had nothing to do with it and it wasn't part of the campaign. In fact, the campaign spent much time distancing itself from WIN buttons.

First Ringer said...

You don't know about Frankie Goes to Hollywood?

You don't know of the wild, t-shirt clad lyrics of Holly Johnson? The bong-rattling bass of Mark O'Toole? The competent drum work of Peter Gill? Oh, man!

What are schools teaching these days?