Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Spit in the ocean

So WaPo caught John McCain playing video poker during a hearing on Syria:

At an old saloon on a street of mud
there at a table dealin' stud
sat the dirty mangy dog that named me Sue
Why not -- McCain is all in, after all.


Brad said...

Go back and listen to McCain's speech at the RNC last year. He was touting intervention in Syria back then. Not to mention his maverick diplomacy a few months ago when he just showed up in Syria to chat with forces looking to overthrow Assad.

McCain has been "all in" regarding U.S. involvement in Syria for quite some time. He needn't be bothered with hearings on the matter.

Mr. D said...

McCain has been "all in" regarding U.S. involvement in Syria for quite some time. He needn't be bothered with hearings on the matter.

Nor with decorum, apparently. ;)

You're right, of course. McCain didn't need to be convinced.

3john2 said...

"At this point, what difference does it make?"