Monday, August 03, 2015

Line of the day

From the invaluable John Hayward, speaking of the astonishing $141 million that the Clintons have raked in over the past 8 years:
Not bad for a couple that produces nothing, adds nothing to the economy, and gets all of their money based solely on political connections. Many of us are old enough to remember when liberals were very, very upset at the thought of rich people running for President – three years ago, to be exact.


Gino said...

Romney ran Bane Capital.(if you have to correct the spelling, youve already lost the narrative...)

He should have called Peace and Rainbow Holdings or something like that.

Bike Bubba said...

And Bain Capital actually produced jobs, as did Anheuser-Busch that granted Mr. McCain his fortune via his wife. I have thought for decades that a crowning dishonor of our society is how much wealth is imparted to leeches like the Clintons.