Thursday, August 13, 2015

Poor Ron

It's not easy being Ron Fournier these days, having to break it to us gently:
 For once, Hillary Rodham Clinton seemed to be a decent candidate. Taking aim at weak spots in the GOP lines, she attacked Jeb Bush on women's health, Marco Rubio on abortion, Scott Walker on college costs, and Donald Trump on sexism.

Then the stone wall crumbled around the Queen of Paradox: Hillary Clinton, both a political colossus and a catastrophe. 
He's just broken up about it all:
If the deleted emails can't be recovered, Clinton will never be able to clear her name. Only the most blindly loyal and partisan voters will accept her word and ignore the serial deception. Even people like me who have known and respected Clinton for years will walk into the voting booth asking ourselves, "What is she hiding?"
We all know what she's hiding, actually -- everything. The homebrew server, her feckless conduct as a diplomat, her eternal grifting. It's all coming down on her now.

Many people are speculating that the Obama Justice Department is going to stall out the investigation long enough for Hillary to win. Why would Obama want to do that? He couldn't count on Hillary to protect him. He'd rather have a loyalist like Joe Biden succeed him, or if a Republican has to win, someone who understands the code, like Jeb. The endgame is coming soon.


Gino said...

Yeah, its lookin like that obama dont play. Maybe thats why the gop leadership acts like a bunch of pantywaists?

And once again, bill will avoid most repercussions while hillary suffers all the indignities. Lol

Bike Bubba said...

Threading the needle. If indeed Obama received emails from Hilliary, he's also guilty of mishandling confidential information and he belongs in jail, too. The FBI approach to this is going to be a work of art unless conscience troubles one of the investigators and he goes to Congress or the media.

jerrye92002 said...

I think the whole thing falls apart for her on simple logical grounds. She claimed she never sent or received classified emails on her personal server, yet it was her only email address? (she "carried only one device" you know). So, the Secretary of State never saw anything classified??>??? She is either lying or completely incompetent! In typical Clinton fashion, when faced with that choice of explanations, she's going with incompetent. Unfortunately, either one is a disqualification from high office.