The White House thought it was being very clever again yesterday when it released a shot of the president shooting a shotgun someplace, presumably Camp David:
Bang bang, shoot shoot |
Some people have pointed out that if the president was actually shooting skeet, as he'd claimed to do earlier, he wasn't exactly shooting it at the proper angle and that he was likely to rattle a few teeth by placing his cheek next to the barrel. All of which is true.
Of course, in the age of Photoshop you can do all sorts of things with images:
Fwankwy, ignowance is the best policy |
And even if Obama's knowledge of firearms is limited, he seems to know a little more about them than Al Gore did in Vietnam:
That'll release a chakra or two |
But let's face it, photo opportunities are just that. And anyway, if you want to do it right, you need to learn from the master:
Dick Weber? Hell no. Dick Nixon! |
Looks like O has a semi-auto, too. Does it qualify as an assault weapon?
J. Ewing
I asked David Plouffe for permission for my son could hang this picture on his school locker. No response yet from the Kremlin, oh sorry, I mean White House.
Don't ask, don't tell.
I'd go with the Nixon pic anyway.
Yeah, that seems more like a "shooting your companion in the face" angle. Maybe he's taking lessons from Cheney?
Cheney or perhaps Bobby Knight
not just rattle his teeth, but his shoulder will hurt for 2 days.
In case of accidents, he always took his mom....
Maybe he's taking lessons from Cheney?
In more ways than most people on the Left care to admit, actually.
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