Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Coming attractions

Cook! Where's my hassenpfeffer?

It does boggle my mind – we almost certainly will be installing a senile corruptocrat as president in less than two months. It’s easy to believe the Democratic Party engaged in massive voter fraud to put Joe Biden over the top. It’s awfully difficult to prove, though, especially when those who sit in judgment are desirous of the result that’s coming and might be implicated themselves were fraud demonstrated and word of that fraud reached the populace.

Having said that, our overlords have grown tired of dissent. We communicate with technology online, on platforms that are easy to manipulate; the proprietors of these platforms have shown they are more than willing to silence dissenters. Today, I can post such observations. Tomorrow, perhaps not.

We are in a dangerous place. 


W.B. Picklesworth said...

I still think Trump has won and will be the president for the next four years. There’s been much talk about gaslighting these past 4 years. Well, the past 3 weeks has been an epic festival of just that. We’re led to believe that there’s no hope, that even if there was cheating that nothing will be done. Perhaps not, but I don’t buy it yet mainly because of who is selling it. The same people who have been wrong about everything for 4 years, who declared that “the walls were closing in” even when they weren’t. They have underestimated Trump all along. Are they finally right this time? I guess it’s possible. But it’s also possible that they’re going to have a very bad day in the next few weeks.

Gino said...

The Capital always wins, but we dont have to surrender to it, do we?

Democracy/The Republic is no more. What comes next, and how we respond to it, the many challenges and the sacrifices of blood and treasure all wait to be seen.
God help us.


Unknown said...

Oh... And I'm calling both senate races in GA for the Dems. They know how to flip votes, as we've seen.


3john2 said...

I've been trying to come up with a catchy motto for the next four years.

How about, "Resist"?