Friday, November 06, 2020

This won't end well, part two

 It's clear how all this is going to end. As always, William Butler Yeats has the right description of the next Leader of the Free World:

An aged man is but a paltry thing,

A tattered coat upon a stick

It's always been a con, a bait and switch. Joe Biden will get his name in the history books and his elevation should ensure his son won't end up in prison. That's good. But the goal has always been to get rid of the Bad Orange Man By Any Means Necessary.

Mission accomplished, I guess.

It's not going to go down smoothly, though. Even if you think Donald Trump has only built a cult of personality (and with a lousy personality to boot), it's a fundamental misreading of the man and his movement. He had four years to fight the Swamp, but the Swamp won. His acolytes will find another champion. I don't know who it will be yet, but I have a few guesses. And they will be back.

Some people are wondering why the professional Republicans aren't standing up for Trump. It's no surprise -- once you get to Washington, you get rich. Everyone in town is in on the graft in one way or another. Trump's greatest sin was not his bluster or his behavior in office. His greatest sin was that he told the truth about Washington. And for that, and his limited efforts to bring about reform, he needed to be destroyed. 

Back to Yeats -- the poem I quoted is "Sailing to Byzantium." It opens with this famous line:

That is no country for old men. 

Soon enough, that will become evident.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I haven't respected a leader since Reagan, and I may even respect Trump more that that.

He will not go quietly.
Nor should he.
