Saturday, November 07, 2020

This won't end well, part three

 Ann Althouse asks a great question:

They want a gracious concession — after the counting and litigation — but they never mention how ungracious the Democrats were when Trump won in 2016. Did they ever concede that Trump won and stand back and acknowledge that he legitimately held the power of the presidency? 

We all know the answer to that question. A few observations and a suggested to-do list:

  • The Democrats are almost certainly going to get by with everything they've done for the last four years. Trump has never, not for even one day, had complete control of the executive branch. He still doesn't. John Durham is Godot, to name one example.
  • Still, sunlight is the best disinfectant and at this point the best sunlight will leave a scorched earth. If I were Trump, I would continue to exhaust all my legal options until there are none left. 
  • He needs to tell the world everything his team has found. It will be ignored or ridiculed, but it needs to be part of the public record. AOC has called for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, so let's begin the process now. Name names and expose the fraud for what it is.
  • Following that, Trump should dump the entire investigative pile from Durham and everyone else on the country. Every move that Strzok and Page and Comey and the rest of the cabal made needs to be put out there. There will be no prosecutions now, so they might as well release all the evidence against everyone who was involved. I don't give a good god damn about "national security" or "sources and methods" -- that was always code for ass covering. The MSM will ignore it, of course, but people need to know precisely what happened. And the information needs to be part of the historical record. If Barr and Durham won't cooperate, Trump should can their well-padded asses. Trump owes them nothing. And more importantly, by doing so it will complicate Biden's efforts to get the band back together. I've read multiple reports that Sally Yates is in line to run DOJ. Blow her up. Same with the corrupt cabal of McGenerals -- everything they've done should be catalogued and exposed to the world.
  • While he's at it, Trump needs to fire FBI director Christopher Wray and CIA chief Gina Haspel, who have been stonewalling him for the last four years. Trump can put Rick Grenell in charge of either agency for the last two months and he can make things happen. Biden will have to put new people in position anyway, but make Biden have to get his people past Cocaine Mitch first.
  • Trump needs to pardon Michael Flynn post-haste. And then Flynn needs to tell his tale. Again, no one in the MSM will cover it, but the tale needs to be told.
  • In addition, Trump should ensure that Hunter Biden is indicted for his crimes. He can make his father issue a pardon. And if Trump has anything on Biden himself, dump that. People need to know that Biden is more than a set of chattering teeth -- he's a set of chattering teeth with the stench of a half-century of corruption and self-dealing. 
  • Bottom line -- Trump can count on Biden and the rest of the Dems to go after him with everything they have once he leaves office, so he might as well rub their noses in it for as long as he can. The Dems are not going to show Trump any quarter, so he might as well use the power he retains to make their sins known to the widest possible audience.


Unknown said...

I agree, and I hope does.

Long live the real Resistance.


W.B. Picklesworth said...

I still think Trump will win.