Wednesday, November 04, 2020

This won’t end well

The only thing we can be certain of is this — half the country will not accept the result. I think we are headed for a very dangerous few weeks. More soon.


Unknown said...

There is no way Trump is losing in some of these states.

Too many shananigans already. The question remaining is, what are Trumpers gonna do about it?


Petercorp said...

Liberals will protest, riot, or whatever you want to call it for about a day if Biden loses. Some Trump supporters will go out to find groups of liberals and attack them. A few will attack buildings and offices of the various levels of government. The rest will do nothing but vent on social media.

It'll be much worse if the current president does end up losing. But whatever it takes to get back at business as usual in this country. I'm not sure as to how Trump will handle this situation if it does end up not in his favor. He'll either resign and have Pence Pardon him, cut a deal with Joe for a pardon, refuse to leave but that will just force federal marshals to take him into custody, he just flees the country to void all of the state trials that are lines up for him upon removal from office, or maybe he brings in a small security force of his own and there's a shootout at the White House, but out of all of them the last one that I stated is the least likely of them all

Mr. D said...

Liberals will protest, riot, or whatever you want to call it for about a day if Biden loses.

A day? They haven't stopped protesting 2016, good sir.

But whatever it takes to get back at business as usual in this country.

Business as usual left the station 30 years ago.

He'll either resign and have Pence Pardon him, cut a deal with Joe for a pardon

Pardon him for what? Be specific.

The only positive thing about yesterday, if trends hold, is that Cocaine Mitch is still in charge of the Senate and will stymie President Harris in many initiatives. That's the best case scenario.

Unknown said...

Yeah, just imagine all of trump's people still in thier cabinet positions because mitch won't confirm their replacement... Lol


Mr. D said...

Yeah, just imagine all of trump's people still in thier cabinet positions because mitch won't confirm their replacement... Lol

They would all resign or be fired. That's how it goes. Some of the others burrow in as "civil servants," and Trump could conceivably do some of that. Obama put a bunch of his people in place that way. But I'm sure the civil service laws would somehow not apply to any Trump leftovers.

Unknown said...

Of course... The Capital always wins.
Until that day...

Ben said...

I'm not paying close attention because I've learned how maddening it can be to watch these things play out. One thing I know: Trump is not like other Republicans. He will fight and, I suspect, win.

If he loses, I don't expect violence from the Right. What I would expect is that Trump will give Biden/Harris absolute fits. His popularity and the justness of his cause will draw them further into obvious errors that they will regret. Yes, they'll do some damage, but they'll damage themselves far more. Twitter, Facebook, and the media will destroy their foundations by trying to hold him in check, but failing. So, it would be a 21st century version of Andrew Jackson losing to John Quincy Adams and then regretting it for four years before being replaced by him.