Sunday, May 30, 2010


Just a few notes on sidebar changes, etc.

I've added a few new sites to the sidebar. I'm now linking to MinnPost, which is the online newspaper that is a bit of a Star Tribune alumni association, because they have been nice enough to offer me an opportunity to have my work appear in their Minnesota Blog Cabin feature, thus spreading more rich Mr. D goodness throughout the local blogosphere. I appreciate the opportunity to throw a little gentle snark at the good readers over there. If all goes well, they'll come over here with their kendo sticks and take a few whacks at the pinatas in the comment section.

I've also added Politics in Minnesota to the sidebar. They have, from time to time, linked here and every time they do they pretty much triple my visitor count for the day. I appreciate that. More importantly, their site is a valuable resource for keeping track of what goes on around the state, as they cast a much wider net and follow the political beat full time.

I've also corrected two long-standing oversights on my part. I now have a link to EckerNet, the always-entertaining and informative site run by Kevin Ecker, who also happens to be one of the genuinely good dudes in the local blogosphere. And I've finally gotten around to linking to the KTLK showpage for my friend Sue Jeffers, whose Saturday afternoon show is pure Sue -- fun, funny, informative and absolutely fearless.

Finally, I'd like to call this big news to your attention: Stinger and Scourge are both actively blogging again. Check them out -- a splendid time is guaranteed for all.


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I checked your site for the "stuff" on Satveer.

But was pleased to find that your accounts were well written and as un-biased as you could be, given the subject of the Senator.

Keep up the good work, either side of a story..

Mr. D said...

Thanks, anon -- I have my biases but we try to be fair-minded around here.