Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Mayor Bloomberg Loses a Quarter

So the terrorist attack on Times Square over the weekend didn't come off as planned, thank God. And now there appears to be a suspect in custody. Oddly, it didn't turn out quite the way New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg speculated:

“If I had to guess, twenty five cents, this would be exactly that,” Bloomberg said. “Homegrown maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.”

Well, of course. Jihadists hate health care.


Anonymous said...

Many Jihadists don't need health care. Kind of comes with the territory on Suicide missions.

It's about time that the government stops patting itself on the back about these incidents. With the last few events, the relative incompetence of the terrorists is the only thing that separates us from having had catostrophic events. The terrorists made it to the point where they could have been successful, they just weren't and our pre-emptive skills have nothing to do with that.

Mr. D said...

I agree with that, anon. Luck isn't a strategy.