Friday, April 01, 2011

A reminder to my cheesehead peeps

I've spent the better part of the last month chronicling death threats, extortion and other swell behavior from those who oppose the budget bill that Scott Walker and the Republicans have championed. Do you really want to reward the behavior of the Left? If you do, a vote for Joanne Kloppenburg for the Supreme Court is the way to go. But please understand this -- if you reward this behavior, those same methods can be turned against you some day. And they likely will. Just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

Kloppenberg is perhaps the least qualified political hack to ever run for the Supreme Court.

The libs are counting on stealing the election and using her to flip the court and all of Walker's passed legislation. The big question is what if it doesn't work, what if Prosser Wins?

W.B. Picklesworth said...

There's a certain aroma of nihilism about this whole thing. Unfortunately I have seen no golf pants among them.

Mr. D said...

The big question is what if it doesn't work, what if Prosser Wins?

That is the big question, anon. These folks don't seem to think "no" is an acceptable answer to their demands.

WBP, if this were nihilism, it would be an improvement. The role of the police unions in this is something I've wanted to discuss in greater detail. I don't want to go Godwin, but this is a putsch.

Bike Bubba said...

What I'm thinking of is whether Wisconsin law allows the removal of judges. Yes, we ought to be restrained in what we do, but someone who achieves that role and proceeds to damage the rule of law ought to be removed.

Gerry said...

There are reports from the Green Bay news stations that there will be folks with recall petitions at polling stations throughout WI on April 4th.

I'm guessing there will be recalls petitions for both left and right siders. I am anticipating bad news...

It should make for an interesting day at the polling place. I don't expect my polling place in Neenah to be a hotspot, but who knows?

Mr. D said...

It should make for an interesting day at the polling place. I don't expect my polling place in Neenah to be a hotspot, but who knows?

Stay safe, cousin.

Anonymous said...

Is it legal to have people at the polling stations asking for recalls? That seems like voter intimidation to me?

Mr. D said...

Is it legal to have people at the polling stations asking for recalls? That seems like voter intimidation to me?

Wrong question, anon. Who's gonna stop it?

Gino said...

i've said it for years: the left plays politics for keeps, the right likes to play by the rules of civil discourse.

this is why the battle will always swing to the left, and why being on the right is a waste of time, unless you are attempting to advance a political career without advancing an agenda.

Night Writer said...

And here I thought it was unseemly for a judicial candidate to campaign on how s/he would rule on a particular case that might come before them.