Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Much better than watching it

Another debate among the Republicans tonight. Had a meeting to go to so I missed it. But I suspect Stephen Green (a/k/a Vodkapundit) has it exactly right. An excerpt:

5:21PM To Huntsman: Who are your econ advisors?
5:22PM Huntsman: My dad. And living people, too.
Actually, Huntsman is pretty darn good. But he has no constituency in this race, and he’s tried to build one by being an ass. That makes me not like him so much.
5:22PM Huntsman wants to get good people into government. How very progressive of him.
5:23PM For the love of God, Huntsman cannot still be talking.

And this:

5:47PM To Bachmann: You’re a tax lawyer, right? And that’s a real thing?
5:47PM Bachmann is echoing my complaints about a national sales tax.
And suddenly she’s sane again!
5:48PM And… Bachmann just turned 999 upside down to get 666.
Back to padded room

And finally, this;

5:32PM To Paul: Would you get the government out of housing, or are you a dirty hypocrite?
5:32PM Paul: I would dig Keynes out of the grave just to hit him with the shovel.
Again, I’m paraphrasing. But not much.

Yes, you do want to read the whole thing.

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