Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Shovel or blog?

Had to shovel -- the plow came through. Bad, heavy snow in the Twin Cities yesterday. This winter has now officially worn out its welcome. Maybe a real blog post tomorrow. Meanwhile, here's St. Mary's Church in Waverly, Minnesota, a magnificent structure:

Blessed art thou among women


3john2 said...

This is one of those "widow-maker" snowfalls: heavy, wet stuff just right for inducing heart attacks. That's why I pay a guy in my neighborhood to plow our driveway, and I toss $5 to his boy to shovel our porches and sidewalk.

I prefer to stimulate the local economy rather than have the paddles slapped on my chest to stimulate my heart.

Bike Bubba said...

I'm still at the point of doing it with my kids, but RA's got a point.

And gracious host, I'm still hoping that the cameraman gets a better camera at some point, as his setting and such is pretty good. :^)

Mr. D said...

And gracious host, I'm still hoping that the cameraman gets a better camera at some point, as his setting and such is pretty good. :^)

I have bought a better camera, but I'm still learning how to use it. As the year progresses, I'll be able to do even more.

Mr. D said...

This is one of those "widow-maker" snowfalls: heavy, wet stuff just right for inducing heart attacks. That's why I pay a guy in my neighborhood to plow our driveway, and I toss $5 to his boy to shovel our porches and sidewalk.

I prefer to stimulate the local economy rather than have the paddles slapped on my chest to stimulate my heart.

The day is coming, and soon, where I'll be taking that approach. Beyond the ticker concerns, I have enough back problems that dealing with this slop is getting too dangerous.

Bike Bubba said...

Regarding back problems, when I was moving from Colorado to Minnesota, one of the movers showed me how to hold the shovel backwards from how I'd been doing it--the blade comes off to the side and a little in reverse--and it really reduces stress on my back. The motion is like paddling a canoe, and the end result is that the blade is a lot closer to your body, and hence you get less stress on your back.

The mover showed me the scar from open heart surgery on his chest--he physically could not do the usual motion without risking cracking his sternum. I got about twice as much done that day (covering my septic field) as I'd have thought possible.

Glad my wish is being fulfilled. On the light side, continuing to use the phone camera with its lower pixellation gives something of an "impressionistic" vibe. So you could be in good company with Monet and Renoir, eh?

3john2 said...

My neighbor with the plow is a sporting guy; we could pay him per plowing but we offer him $400 for the winter, regardless of how much he plows (any time there's more than 2" of accumulation). Winter's of little snow, he makes out really well (and we consider it "snow insurance premiums"). Other winters, not so much. Despite the recent heavy snowfalls in a short amount of time, I think he's still "ahead" this year. We still have most of March and all of April to get through, though.

His kids catch the school bus from our driveway, so it was easy to hire the son, who is about 11 or 12. He's industrious, and I think he's responsible for watching his little sister after school. She's often with him while he shovels, enjoying the snow piles and "twanging" my orange stakes. Besides this making it easier on me, it is a great way to build relationships in the community!

Gino said...

i have no idea what you guys are talking about... snow and shoveling and all that.