Monday, March 12, 2018


Things are happening and changing, but it seems like there isn't much news right now. Yes, it's significant that Donald Trump may meet with Kim Jong-Un, but it doesn't mean much until it happens. It took a while longer, but we're starting to move past the Parkland school shooting. Not surprising, really -- outrage is difficult to sustain, even for the perpetual motion machine that is our MSM. The economy is humming along. No one really cares about Stormy Daniels, because there's nothing particularly interesting about the story -- everyone has known Trump is a cad for 30 years.

We were off to Galesburg again this weekend. The Benster is home for the week, his final spring break before graduation. Fearless Maria is gone for the week, still on her band trip to Greece. We keep trudging through the snow piles, which are slowly disappearing as March unfolds. We've never been busier as a family, but we're moving so quickly that there's little time available to analyze the larger meaning of it all. In about six weeks we'll have clarity on any number of issues, but for now we put one foot in front of the other.


3john2 said...

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...."

W.B. Picklesworth said...

I listened to a few minutes of an NPR interview with Bill Richardson this morning on the way to the gym. He was surprisingly positive about Trump. On the other hand, he assumed that Trump wasn't prepared or informed (why do liberals continue to buy into the idea that Trump doesn't know what's going on?) And he also thought that Trump needed to assemble a team of crack negotiators (why does he think Trump isn't aware of this?) And he thinks Trump needs to give up on tweeting because the North Koreans are sensitive (Why does he think that Trump being ClinBushAma is going to work this time? Why doesn't he connect Kim's professed desire to get rid of nukes to Trump's bellicosity and unpredictability?)

So, there's a little bit of progress from our "betters." At least one of them can admit that Trump isn't a poopyhead. But they don't understand him in the slightest. And they don't understand how worthless they are. Give them time, I guess.

Gino said...

quote of the week...'Learning that Donald Trump had an affair with a porn star is as shocking as learning that Mike Pence didnt.'
from Greg Gutfeld.