Thursday, September 25, 2014

I Blame William Henry Harrison

Reg Henry wants you to know it's still George W. Bush's fault:
If there’s a sacred commandment in the one true church of conservative belief, it is thou shalt not name the president who must not be blamed, for to name him is to blame him. From the earliest days of the Obama administration, an ironclad type of right-wing political correctness clanged down like a huge gate, fencing off the former president from all who would criticize him.
Oh, they love ol' W. on the right. But Reg wants to get your mind right. Some more:
The ordinary, boring truth is that Mr. Obama doesn’t go around blaming the other guy all the time. Early in his administration, he did dare to suggest he had inherited a situation, this before you-know-who was fenced off entirely from all criticism and guarded by a praetorian guard of grumpy old guys with computers.
Well, every president has inherited a situation or two from a predecessor, with the possible exception of John Tyler, who succeeded William Henry Harrison, the president who died a month into office. So I'm going to blame William Henry Harrison, since poor Tyler never had the chance.

But since blame needs to be assigned, apparently, for current situations, let's poll who's really responsible -- you can choose more than one answer, and you really should, doncha think?

Things aren't going well. Who gets the blame? free polls

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