Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Twitter me this

On balance, I think Twitter sucks. It's a place where one stray comment can bring down the furies on you. It's a giant cesspool of SJW thought-policing. And they tend to ban conservative voices for no apparent reason, as was the case for Jesse Kelly:
Kelly, a former Marine who ran two failed campaigns for Congress in Arizona, in 2010 and 2012, currently hosts a talk radio program in Houston. It is not clear which of his recent tweets prompted the ban.

According to Twitter's "range of enforcement options" page, Kelly should have been provided an explanation from Twitter around what policy he may have violated.

"When we permanently suspend an account, we notify people that they have been suspended for abuse violations, and explain which policy or policies they have violated and which content was in violation," according to Twitter.
I have a Twitter account, but I rarely tweet; mostly I use it to read others, especially Orange Man Bad. I wouldn't miss it if it's gone. Maybe it should be.

1 comment:

Bike Bubba said...

I don't know that it "sucks" per se, but I stand by the comments I made about it in 2008. 140 characters, or even 280 or whatever it is now, is generally very difficult to express any complex thoughts in Twitter, and the mayhem we see there really reflects that. We might see it as the logical end game of television, which is also said to have eliminated attention spans.

The coolest thing about it, really, is that you can link articles which do in fact contain more complex lines of thinking. Even that, though, is subject to extremely short fuses and attention spans, and the fact that I say "not worth it" to commenting about 90% of the time I think I've got something worth saying says a lot about the "community"; it becomes an echo chamber. A fair number of blogs I've seen function about the same, and hey, we've been saying the same thing about the MSM since the 1980s at least--my bike in college was decorated with "Impeach Rather" bumper stickers back in East Lansing.

The big problem, or tip of the iceberg? You decide. :^)