Tuesday, January 01, 2013

One Way of Looking at the Cliff

John Hinderaker of Powerline avers:

But what happens now that Obama has gotten his way? It will soon become apparent that the fiscal cliff deal, including precisely the tax increases that Obama has been demanding for four years, makes hardly a dent in the deficit. At best, it will reduce the deficit by five or six percent. We will continue to run up deficits of close to $1 trillion a year, and the national debt will continue to grow, as Obama has always intended. This fact can’t be hidden; it will be reported. Journalists who have pulled their punches in the past because they wanted Obama to be re-elected will now begin to ask, what are we going to do about the deficit and the debt? At some point, perhaps sooner rather than later, interest rates will begin to rise, at which point the debt issue will become a crisis. And Republicans will say: we told you so.

The Democrats will have only three choices: they can try to raise taxes on the “rich” even higher. But raising them to 100% wouldn’t deal with the deficit, even if you assume all those rich people are willing to work for free. The second option is to restrain federal spending. The Democrats would rather die than do that. The third option is to try to raise taxes on all those millions of Americans who aren’t rich. That is what the Democrats will do once the moment arrives when they can no longer ignore the trillions of dollars in debt they are inflicting on our children. That will be, politically, a very bad moment for the Democrats and a very good one for the Republicans, who can offer the alternative of less spending and who will have been proved right with respect to the biggest policy debate of recent years.
Nope. It will be George W. Bush's fault. Or John Boehner's. Or someone's. It is never the fault of the Democrats. Ever.

Also, I'll wait to see when a Republican seriously offers less spending. Republicans had a chance to do that eight years ago and it didn't happen and they've been in the wilderness ever since.

But back to Hinderaker:
All of this is another way of saying that, with the Democrats’ BS about raising taxes on the rich out of the way, we can have a rational debate about the country’s fiscal future. And that is a debate the GOP can win, as most voters continue to believe that it is better to cut spending than to raise taxes on them. So let’s not despair: the post-cliff landscape may well prove favorable to the sorts of reforms that have been impossible for the last four years.
I hope we can have a rational debate. Based on what I saw in 2012, I am not confident we'll have one.


W.B. Picklesworth said...

I have confidence that we can have a train wreck. Yes we can! But to assume that any amount of evidence will bring Americans to responsible decision-making is a leap of logic with little evidence to support it. I think it's more likely to assume that a scapegoat will be found or created.

W.B. Picklesworth said...
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3john2 said...

I think the public no longer possesses the vocabulary to have a rational debate - or to understand one.