Tuesday, May 12, 2015

George Zimmerman Involved in Shooting*

Yeah -- someone took a shot at him. But lookit the headlines (h/t/ Patterico)

*In much the same way that Gabrielle Giffords was involved in a shooting.


Bike Bubba said...

Would be interesting to find out whether the origins were because there was a feud between Zimmerman and the per (possibility that Z. is just a grade A jerk), or whether the origins ultimately lie in the persecution that people pushed on him.

Can't argue against either hypothesis, really, and it's clear that he's currently a very troubled man.

Gino said...

the media may get their wish of a dead zimmerman yet.

remember he had a domestic violence incident. according to federal law, he cannot own a firearm for the rest of his life.
he's an unarmed man with a price on his head.

Bike Bubba said...

Multiple allegations, but all dropped. Zimmerman was probably legally armed, actually.

Price on his head? Yup. Troubled man? Certainly. Guilty here? Who knows.

Bike Bubba said...

Update--reading further, he was legally armed at the time, and part of the claim of the perp/victim is that the victim/perp (?) brandished the gun.

To be blunt, this is one of those "hard" cases. Zimmerman is either really unlucky--always getting into scrapes not his own fault--or in need of a serious intervention, or both.

Gino said...

i thought he was convicted of one of the charges. i'm glad they were all dropped. he's gonna need his 2A rights.

3john2 said...

"he's gonna need his 1A rights."

Zimmerman will either be shot by someone, or will shoot someone, possibly while in defense of his life. Either way is fine with the media and certain other elements.