How would a currency implosion
in Japan strike ya?
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made asset-price inflation his top priority. Under pressure from the BOJ and the government, state-controlled entities – such as the Government Pension Investment Fund with ¥137 trillion in assets – are dumping Japanese Government Bonds into the lap of the BOJ and are buying stocks with the proceeds.
Foreign hedge funds have jumped into the fray, which is the hot money that can evaporate overnight. But fear not, every time the Nikkei drops 100 points or so, the BOJ starts buying, or creates the perception that it’s buying, and within minutes, stocks shoot back up. It’s part of the BOJ’s relentlessly communicated policy to inflate asset prices come hell or high water.
And hell or high water may now be on the way.
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More, a lot more at the link. We can make jokes now, but the endgame isn't going to be particularly amusing.
i would suggest people everywhere start gobbling up gold and silver, or any other commodity, because money wont be worth anything before long.
If you really believe money won't be "worth anything", you'd be better stocking up on canned goods and ammo.
I don't know that we're at canned goods and ammo yet, but a reprise of 2008 (or worse) is certainly possible.
just ammo. let your neighbor stock the canned goods for you.
I'm in on gold, silver - except that I think if there's a collapse the first thing the government does is to ban private ownership of precious metals, and giving you 30 days to turn in your stocks for "secure" federal scrip.
Now come on--the Keynesians have learned from Weimar Germany, Hungary, Austria, Argentina, and most of the Latin American and African countries, haven't they?
I'm guessing "no".
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