Thursday, September 06, 2018


(Apologies in advance for the profanity, but sometimes a blue term is le mot juste.) I'm not going to give the New York Times a link for their chickenshit op-ed yesterday. You can get to it by clicking on this Ann Althouse link if you choose, but the Old Gray Lady's perfidy ought not get any clicks or rewards. Althouse sums the argument well enough, anyway:
Unsung heroes? This person is singing about his own heroism. We just don't know his/her name, because he/she has got to stay hidden to continue sabotaging the work of the President the deplorables elected.
Self-regard is always a growth stock inside the Beltway, so that's the least surprising part of this nonsense. I'm guessing this will be at least the 174,274th time this point has been made, but so it goes: if the Metternich who wrote this piece really feels this way, he/she/it ought to resign and make a public, on the record, statement detailing specific examples of the president's incompetence. I'd also bet dollars to donuts that this individual is one of the anonymous sources for Bob Woodward's new book. We call this "cross-promotion" in the industry.

Much has been made about the use of the word "lodestar" in the piece. It's a word Mike Pence is fond of using. I sincerely doubt Pence wrote the piece, though. Pence is a good soldier. I'm guessing the actual writer isn't as senior as the Times would have you believe. I'm also guessing the actual writer will be discovered, fired, and will have no trouble making up for lost income because there's a lot of money to be made in Trump-bashing. Man, it's tiresome, though. And I continue to believe that Trump is about to turn the tables on these clowns.


Bike Bubba said...

Nothing says "courage" like leaking anonymously to the Times, and by no means would we wonder whether the testimony is true, or whether the writer is using the cloak of anonymity to fill the page with bullshit. By no means.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

News has come out that they've got a Grand Jury on Andy McCabe. That's not surprising, but it is heartening for those who worry that things aren't being done. Well, yes they are. Rather a lot is being done. The grandstanders and buffoons are going nuts for a reason. If they had better cards to play they'd play them. Trump is kicking their butts and they know it.

3john2 said...

The anonymous NYT piece matches a Letter to Penthouse in both style and credibility.

Honest to God, there I was in the Trump administration..."

Mr. D said...

The anonymous NYT piece matches a Letter to Penthouse in both style and credibility.

Honest to God, there I was in the Trump administration..."

She told me she was a reporter for Buzzfeed and her name was Ali. She had that naughty librarian look that drives me to distraction. She sidled up to me and whispered in my ear, “I’d like a briefing, but take all the time you’d like.” By then, I could sense that my full dossier had her attention.

Gino said...

personally, i'm suspicious. i think this op-ed is manufactured from whole cloth. fake. but, you and crankbait have addressed this already.

3john2 said...

Mr. D - Nice exposition. That's just the way such a letter would play out. Or so I've been told.

Mr. D said...

Mr. D - Nice exposition. That's just the way such a letter would play out. Or so I've been told.

Sometimes, you just know.

Bike Bubba said...

Regarding the use of "lodestar" and Pence, Pence isn't a senior staffer, and I suspect he knows the difference between "Vice President" and "senior staffer." Hope that Trump finds the culprit--or better yet the Washington Post to humiliate the Times--and that staffer finds himself out on the street with a boot sized bruise on his tuckus.