Friday, September 28, 2018


Too much to discuss, really. But for me, a few things stand out. First of all, Lindsey Graham's finest hour:

Second of all, RedState blogger Streiff notes the utter cynicism of the Senate Democrats, and Dianne Feinstein in particular, first by highlighting an exchange between Feinstein and Texas Senator John Cornyn:
Cornyn: Can you tell us your staff did not leak it?

Feinstein: Oh, I don’t believe my staff would leak it. I have not asked that question directly, but I do not believe they would.

Cornyn: Do you know that? I mean how in the world did that get in the hands of the press?

Feinstein: The answer is no. The staff would not.

Cornyn: Did you as your staff or any other member of the Judiciary Committee?

Feinstein: I just did. Well, Jennifer reminds me I’ve asked her before about it.

Cornyn: Well, somebody leaked it, if it wasn’t you.

Feinstein: Well, I’m telling you it was not…I did not…I mean I was asked to keep it confidential and I’m criticized for that, too.
And why would that be? Back to the link:
The problem here is that a) CNN got a copy of the letter she sent to Feinstein in confidence and b) Ford said, under oath, she didn’t send the letter to anyone else. 
Under oath, Christine Blasey Ford said she didn't send the letter to anyone else. So is Ford lying under oath? That would be the obvious implication of Feinstein's remarks. Lindsey Graham makes the point well:
Boy, you all want power. God, I hope you never get it. I hope the American people can see through this sham. That you knew about it and you held it. You had no intention of protecting Dr. Ford; none.

She’s as much of a victim as you are. God, I hate to say it because these have been my friends. But let me tell you, when it comes to this, you’re looking for a fair process? You came to the wrong town at the wrong time, my friend. 
They have been Graham's friends, or so he thought, but it seems the scales have fallen from his eyes.

One other thing worth noting -- now, apparently doxxing your opponents is cool:
Several Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had their home addresses and phone numbers released to the public on their Wikipedia pages during Thursday’s hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.

The victims included Republican Sens. Mike Lee and Orrin G. Hatch of Utah and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

According to Caleb Hull, editor of the Independent Journal Review, the wife of Mr. Hatch “has been receiving calls nonstop ON HER BIRTHDAY and their home address was made public.” 
CongressEdits, a bot account that for four years automatically retweets edits to Wikipedia made anonymously from IP addresses associated with the U.S. Congress, said the information was also posted on Mr. Lee and Mr. Graham “from US House of Representatives.”
From the House of Representatives. We'll just leave it there.


Bike Bubba said...

It is just stunning the amount of contradictory information and outright lies on the part of Ford, Nifong/Feinstein, and others that advocates of Ford's case are ignoring. I can understand political bias, but this is a clear case to assert that one is entitled to his own opinions, but not his own set of facts.

Mr. D said...

Lindsey Graham explained it pretty well yesterday – this is about power. Facts don’t matter, unless they can used as a truncheon. And if facts aren’t available, the Left will use whatever weapon is at hand. The problem those of us on the Right have is we expect precedent, intellectual consistency, internal logic and the like to matter. They don’t. This is medieval, good sir, but without the accompanying chivalry.

3john2 said...

Chivalry, and comity, are dead (though they existed more in concept than practice). The gloves, and the masks, are off. Anyone who chooses to look won't like what they see.

Bike Bubba said...

Regarding Medieval times, chivalry only was extended to the worthy classes. Peasants out of the ruling class--outside of the swamp--got no such consideration.

Mr. D said...

Regarding Medieval times, chivalry only was extended to the worthy classes. Peasants out of the ruling class--outside of the swamp--got no such consideration.

Yep. Kavanaugh is part of the worthy classes. Until he isn't.

Bike Bubba said...

And gosh, why is it that our betters want to disarm us? It is as if maybe, we'd better learn the art of making self-bows and quarter-staffs again, isn't it? And maybe a leather doublet like Gurth wore in Ivanhoe....

Gino said...

i did something i never thought i'd do: cheered loudly for Lindsey Graham.

24 hours after gaining the momentum, the GOP lets me down again. this will hurt them in november. we so desparately need a party that fights, but we only have Trump.

Trust me: ten more accusations will come out, and we will lose this fight.
when that happens (not if) i dare Trump to put up Amy Coney Barret. Go for broke. Dare them to trash a woman, wife and mother.

Trump needs to get his offense going, and start investigating democrats.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

I still think they're going to win. Having lived with a spineless GOP my whole life it's tempting to be fatalistic, but to what end? Trump has changed things in lots of ways, why not this way too? I say they get Kavanaugh through. And that they win get 56+ seats in the Senate. And maintain the House with 240. I haven't looked at the House races at all, but I think Democrats will be screaming and weeping after the election.

Gino said...

a spineless GOP is just that. Trump has a spine, but he is NOT in anyway GOP. the last two GOP presidents are on the record as not voting for him.

i fear that soon, very soon, Trump will go down into the history books at the Last American President.
the forces arrayed against him are too strong for even a man like him to overcome.

Kavanaugh's win is evidence that we MIGHT have a chance. his defeat seals the deal forever.

i've had no party since 1996. I found a leader 20 yrs later...not that it will matter much anymore.

Bike Bubba said...

With WB, I'm wondering if the Senate turns out very badly for the Democrats. Powerline notes 4-5 takeaways that the GOP could get, which would mean the Dems would need to win about 7 of 10 GOP seats. I don't think it's happening. I sure hope it doesn't, because it would be a vindication for Democrat thug tactics.