UPDATE: And here I thought that the acolytes of St. Obama were about providing Change You Can Believe In? And they can't even
Buy American when it comes to B-List celebrities? Shameful, I tells ya. (H/T: Instapundit)
Tomorrow night's events at Invesco Field promise to be comedy gold. The One will present his speech in front of a backdrop that is based on a Greek temple. Even the reviews from
his fellow Democrats aren't especially favorable about this latest demonstration of another great Greek word, hubris.
Said one Democrat: "This is a disaster of mythical proportions." Said another: "It's not enough that he wants to be president -- he wants to be Zeus." Said the first: "Will he send down thunderbolts from the mountain?"
Obama can be quite good with words, especially when he's reading from a TelePromTer, but he surely seems to have trouble with images. From the first
pseudo-presidential seal to the
vaguely heroic posters in Berlin through the second
pseudo-seal and the variations on the
House of the Rising Obama, it's been alternately disquieting and hilarious to see some of the stuff that's been going on. All of these examples are self-inflicted wounds. Then there's the problem of Obama's hero-worshipping supporters in the arts. Their contributions get really icky at times, as in this particular self-congratulatory video featuring a
plethora of minor celebrities including Barry Manilow, who I assume will have to ramp up his efforts by re-writing one of his
long-past dubious triumphs later on that goes like this:
His name was Barack
He is a vision
He gave speech back in oh-two
It was a true clairvoyant view
He would campaign now
Then eat his waffles
And while he tried to be the star
It all was content-free
Hope change for you and me
Sure, it's dumb but they had each other
Not Mike Huck-a-bee
At the campaign, campaign oh-eight now
Mark Penn's been consigned to a trash scow
At the campaign, campaign oh-eight now
Pure thoughtless passion was always in fashion
At the campaign, what's not to love
At the end of the day, mockery seems the right response to what we've seen. This guy, this campaign and this party are so full of themselves that they deserve to be mocked. In the end, there's not much substantive analysis to be offered from what's happened in Denver the last few days. Intellectually the Democratic Party has been on auto-pilot for well over 40 years now. The best and the brightest of the party are people like Rahm Emanuel, tacticians first and last, but lacking in the ability to come up with any new ideas. Quick - tell me a genuinely new and innovative idea that has come out of either the Obama or Clinton campaigns.
As my thoughtful portsider friend Rich points out, the Republican Party has done undeniable damage to the Republican brand in the past 8 years. The blame for that can be widely allocated. But when the elephants march into St. Paul next week, you won't be hearing anyone criticizing John McCain for his stagecraft. And in the end the Republicans have the same trump card that they've been playing for the past 40 years - they aren't the Democrats.